Sunday, February 26, 2006


I learned that every Saturday at Kenny's Key West (yes, another Kenny's blog) is ladies' night. This translates to free cover all night and free drinks until 11pm. Sounds great, don't it? To the untrained eye, it's great. However, there are downsides to Ladies' Night. There are reasons that make it hard for men, like their are reasons that make it hard on the women. I have included the top 3 reasons why Ladies' Night is a bad idea.

Top 3 Reasons Why Ladies' Night Is Not Good

  1. The Botherless Woman: Let's face it. We're all guilty of doing something just because it was free. Free cover is like the pinnacle of the Vagina Discount. That being the case, there will be moments where there will be women who will get together with their girls to go just because they can get in for free. On the surface (and for business), this is a good move, because it keeps up appearances. A club is predominantly about appearances. You can be of crap substance, but if you can APPEAR to be genuine, you are more likely to get your goal accomplished (sounds like the story of life). This achieves the house's M.O. of getting the paying men into the club. However, a place packed with women means NOTHING. There's no promise that there are any women dancing, giving it up, feeling flirty, freaky, or anything. Miraculously, a vagina is worth blind faith. These "botherless" women, on the other hand, are just there because it's a free good time. They aren't there to socialize with the opposing gender in any sense, but take up the same space that an efficient dancer/purveyor of penis does. This translates into stress for predatorial males, which, when combined with the effects of alcohol and marijuana, can be more harm than help.

  2. The Financial Risk: As I stated in an earlier blog, there is a such thing as a "financial risk", which relates a woman's dancing to her probability of being harrassed. There is also a counterpart to this theory. It says that the higher the amount of money that the males have to pay, the higher the probability that they will be harrassing women. They want to get their money's worth. Especially when you have clubs charging $20-$30 to get into a place that does not imply satisfaction. Some guys (well most guys) in a club are lazy and want the easiest out possible. This means that they want the biggest payoff for the littlest amount of work. I see you dance, I grind on you, you let me, I leave when I'm done. However, this is not very common, which leads to some amount of work being required. The males paying high covers feel like they're entitled to entertainment, like they were paying customers at a concert. They want the female attention just as much as the women (some) want the male attention from afar (you wear those skimpy outfits to be seen by men, don't lie). Ladies' Night creates this off-balance of investments and payoffs.

  3. The Fire Code: Every building in the United States has a Fire Marshall mandated limit on the amount of people that are legally allowed in it, for the safety of the patrons. Last night at Kenny's, that number had been reached. They reached a point where they weren't letting people in, point blank. That's the aftermath. It's all about what leads up to this that the gripe lies. The house wants the women in, but they want the MONEY! The house could care less about the women, truth be told. Clubs are built for the women, but they want the men. Problem is, this leads to a sausage fest many times, and when capacity has been reached, word gets around. Not wanting to miss out should anything pop off, they remain where they are. If you have a multitude of paying males in there that will not leave and women who are just not through yet, nobody else can get in. This creates a stagnant line outside of the club, which keeps up the appearance that the club is popping. However, it also leads to people's dismay when they discover that they can't get in. This will lead to discontent and a sour word-of-mouth, which hurts future business. Then, on the inside, if all you have are Category 3's and 4's and a bunch of predators, nobody INSIDE the club is happy, either. This can lead to a general air of irritation, which is good for nobody.

Of course, the higher ups could really care less if the men are having a good time. If they know them, their horniness will keep them there, even though the environment is not conducive to their desires. Hey, I'm not the victim or the assailant. I just make the rules.


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