Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Just Shopping

Having recently been a college student, I am not unfamiliar with the term "frugality". I think that among other things, college teaches you how to truly deal with being broke. I think that my tenure in college was made a lot easier thanks to the following retailer:

Yes, good ol' Wal-Mart. I spent many a night/morning in this chain's many buildings. Most have coined it my favorite store, a claim I reluctantly accept. In my many years of being a faithful customer of this establishment, I have only found ONE thing that they didn't sell, but it was so long ago that I don't remember what it was. I love their selection and even more, their prices. Their low prices of their quality prices often prompt many impulse purchases with little buyer's remorse. A simple trip for grapes will quickly turn into a $60 grocery run. For this reason, I call any sudden impulse to purchase items outside of your intended purchase the "Wal-Mart effect". I have become a victim of it many times and I know I'm not alone. Wal-Marters unite!!!


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