Friday, February 17, 2006

The Thanks I Get (For Loving You)

Relationships are a two-way street. I find it a severe waste of time for relationships to be one-sided, with only one person investing in it. People end up being scorned and burned bad by "lovers" that they believed were all for them. How bad would it be if you were honest with yourself and the other person about what you wanted? If you're just sexually driven or you just want an emotional whore, SAY THAT and be done with it. Don't put up some charade like you're into someone and bounce on them when the wool comes off. The worst someone can tell you is no, so what do you have to fear? It's nothing you haven't heard before, so it does no good to find this scenario acceptable to lie and cheat for. There's someone somewhere who's attracted to every type of personality trait (believe me). Stop trying to force a round peg into a square hole and go for someone that's going to give you the same nothing that you give them. Let's be reciprocal, not inversely proportionate. C'mon, now. It's 2006, and cats are sick of seeing this same thing play out.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I feel you on that dude. If I was in that situation I would just get out. Why stay if I'm not happy, right.