Saturday, July 22, 2006

Too Young

During my tenure as a party-ologist (I know you've been reading my theories), I've been able to detect when I'm in the midst of those within the juvenile realm. So, I've compiled a list of just some of the hints.

You know you're at a juvie event when:

  • The "bar" is only selling soda.
  • Instead of cigarette smoke, you smell bubble gum in the air.
  • You're the only one with facial hair.
  • The cover charge is a single-digit, odd number.
  • The above is true, yet has a ton of performing artists.
  • Males are still doing black moshpits.
  • There are re-entry fees.
  • Partygoers are being dropped off.
  • Females have barrettes in their hair.
  • The picture man is using backgrounds with cartoon characters.
  • Weed is only smelled on people's clothes.

Thank you for your time.


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