Saturday, June 23, 2007

Is It A Crime

Okay, I'm about to get myself in trouble with some people, but I don't care. There are people committing crimes, and are getting away with it scott free. This undercut of society needs to be attacked and stopped. The crime? Contributory Negligence. This selfish crime is being carelessly committed, and innocent victims are being punished by it. THIS, my friends, needs to stop like yesterday.

Before I continue, no, it's not the kind of contributory negligence you see in court and on the news all the time. This is a contributory negligence of a different light. Let's look at what the crime is classified as:

Contributory negligence is a common law defence to a claim based on negligence, an action in tort. It applies to cases where plaintiffs have, through their own negligence, contributed to cause the damages they incurred as a result of defendants' negligence.

I am speaking on this horrendous act in the sense that one person is both plaintiff and defendent. The act in which one person is at the precipice of bringing down all they know and love. An act of fear, an act of cowardice. It is the repetitive pattern in which people find themselves in a position to investigate relational prospects, don't look into them, then complain about being lonely.

Prime time to dig someone, and they do nothing. Nobody's trying to get them to get married or commit. They just want the opportunity to get to know them. They won't give those invitations the time of day, but are constantly in the field, playing up the 'woe is me' act, because they feel they are good people that nobody wants to be with.

Before I get hit with the "it's hard out there" defense, let me post this clip of lyrics a song called "Up Against the Wind" by Lori Perri. Those who have seen the movie Set It Off, this is the song during the montage at the end.

Day after day, seems like I push against the clouds
They just keep blocking out the sun
It seems since I was born
I've wakened every blessed morning
Down on my luck and up against the wind

*hands everyone a tissue* Now, back to the adventure. How hard is it when people are approaching you, wanting to know you, giving you numbers, bringing out all the positives in an opportunity to get a foot in the door to know you intimately? Any insecurities based on fear of rejection are out the door, and all the hard work is being done for you. If your laziness or fear of whatever else is prohibiting you from doing anything else, how can you expect sympathy from others? That's like me having 5 companies inviting me for a second interview, not going to any of them, then complaining about not having a job. Who the hell do I expect to feel sorry for me?

Relationships are funny. They come with no instruction manual, and they are scary. There are many people who fear relationships for one reason or another. If that is the case, fine. People are more willing to believe this. However, don't complain about being lonely because of it. There comes a time when you gotta shit or get off the pot. Fear will continue to be a fear until you face it and conquer it. Mind over matter, pimpin'. If you're going to speak as though people are neglecting you if you are they main reason they "are". There's a saying in my hometown: "Boot Up or Shut Up". Contribute to THAT.


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