Sunday, August 12, 2007

I'll Be Watching You

Okay, okay, okay, okay. I gotta speak up about this. You all know about my battles of seeing women that have children. I believe I've received more input from that topic than any other I've blogged about. Well, I'm gonna keep the topic alive, because there's an instance I gotta speak out about: kids being Top Flight Security.

Here's the breakdown: Suitor visits mother in the late hours for quality time (does not imply anything sexual, just 2 people enjoying each other's company). Mother is making attempts to enjoy the quality time with the suitor. Child who should be asleep pops up, however, talking gibberish and finding pointless experiments to undertake (no offense to the children, but let's face it: people know when children are doing things just to stay awake). Child finds soda to keep themselves energized as the cycle continues. "Attempts" to verbally get the child to go to sleep are not successful as suitor must now endure them both. This trend continues until suitor leaves, after which the child mysteriously becomes tired and goes to sleep 5 minutes after suitor has left.

I've spoken to a few parents about this, and they believe that it's more a thing of the mother allowing it. It seems like a reasonable explanation, but it still doesn't make it right. Why would someone willingly let someone into their personal space at a late hour, only to intentionally allow their safety blankey child to cockblock BOTH of them? I can't get with this madness. Then again, maybe I'm selfish...


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