Monday, February 13, 2006

Rescue Me

Well, this is the day that the FEMA organization has set. February 13, 2006 is the reported date that FEMA will stop paying for people to live in the hotels around New Orleans. This would obviously result in a significant amount of pissed off people. Of course, everyone won't be pissed off. It's only the people that have been lolly-gagging about, doing nothing to make their situation better, living off (read: RELYING ON) FEMA vouchers and Red Cross VISA's. FEMA does not (nor has it ever) stand for "Forever Embracing Moronic Assholes". It is the Federal EMERGENCY Management Agency. Knowing that FEMA only kicks in during the times of emergency, you should know that there will be an end to the assistance. Seeing as the day of reckoning has come upon us, there will be folk that will finally be getting a clue, hopefully.

Sure some will blame the government and say they are being abandoned by their country and being thrown out on their asses. They will talk about how the system wants them to fail and how they were leading them into a death trap of a cty with no way to legally survive. They will totally ignore the population of people who went out and got supermarket and fast food jobs, just to have money coming in. They won't be in cities where they can get schooling right away or any of that nonsense. Only suckers use the gov't assistance for what it's supposed to be used for. Why save up for housing when there are FEMA vouchers and Air Force 1's to buy?!

I have posted up 2 bounce songs in regards to FEMA. The first is the 5th Ward Weebie "smash" Hurricane Katrina Got Me Living Off That FEMA. The next is a 10th Ward Buck song "They Live Off That FEMA". There is a touch of coonery to it that I won't get into, but I will let you all hear it. Enjoy.

5th Ward Weebie - Hurricane Katrina Got Me Living Off That FEMA
10th Ward Buck - They Live Off That FEMA


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