Wednesday, February 15, 2006

War of the Gods

Christian 'Looters' Destroy Sex Shops In New Orleans

Ok, now you all know that I am a Christian first and foremost, but this article disturbed me. These zealous Christians broke into sex shops around the city and burned the contents, to fend off the sin within. In a sentence, that's what's up with them.

I see what they're trying to do, but I gotta step in with a dissenting opinion. It reminds me of one of my managerial economics classes. the professor was discussing supply and demand. He brought up the inelasticity of the demand for illegal narcotics, criticizing the US's War on Drugs. He said that it will never work, because rather than targeting eliminating the demand, they target the supply.

I applied that reasoning to this situation. I realized that the shop will do nothing but write off what was destroyed and order more, totally making their effort a waste of time. If you look at the picture, all you'll see is the Christians. By the time that the sin-riddled sex fiends come out, these spiritual freedom fighters will be snug in their beds.

They say that since the "real looters" can loot without being punished because of emergency, they should be able to as well. This is total CRAP. I'm SICK of people using the Lord as a "do what I want to" ticket. The sex shops could have been burned and everything PRIOR to the flood, but they did NOTHING. NOW, they wanna grow the gonads to pull a stunt like that, throwing up a crucifix and a scripture verse when met with the possibility of authority conflict. That's bullshit. Mardi Gras comes every year, and all they do is stand with 8-foot signs on Bourbon Street, handing out flyers. They don't burn or loot a damn thing, KNOWING people are there to show their breasts and fulfill every Earthly desire. Don't get to be Superman now.

Folk, I understand your intent, and I honor it. However, your method of enforcing it was hasty and wrong. The 8th commandment says "thou shalt not steal." What were they doing? Stealing from the shop. Who cares what you did with it AFTER you stole it. You still stole it and you have to repent for that sin. It's no better than someone who burns YOUR house down because you ARE a Christian. We will win souls by winning souls, not by force. As long as the people have online stores, you'll never put adent in it. What about the people that bring their sex toys with them? Do you loot hotels, looking for offensive content? Do you loot bead shops and break the beads with breasts on them? Where does the "spritual emergency" looting stop? THINK, people. For that, you get:


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