Tuesday, August 29, 2006

It's Our Anniversary

So, it's the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina and the day that it changed the city. In a way, I'm looking back and reflecting on all that it meant to those of us who lost and our determination to rebuild, living lives better than before.

On the other hand, it's almost as if it's a chance for the media to relish and profit from our despair. It angered me so much to see the camera crews walking past the grief-stricken evacuees like cattle. To them (some of them at least), this whole devastation was nothing more than a paycheck. Most of the reporters who gave us the tragic (and often exaggerated) reports of what had gone down in downtown New Orleans hopped on the first thing flying to get the hell outta here after the camera cut. I can't stand knowing that my hometown's legacy has been tainted by greed and show-ism (if that's even a word).

Hurricane Katrina and New Orleans has been whored out in almost every way imaginable. Political figures have used it to obtain re-election, profiteers are gouging prices on almost every piece of merchandise pumped into the city, reporters are going apeshit talking about all the negative aspects of post-flood N.O., and certain evacuees are trying to use the unfortunate situation to obtain a free ride from Uncle Sam.

This is not the way it should be. Much like 9-11 shouldn't be harped on every year, what good does showing the same clips of flooding and disparaged people do? To some, I'm sure it gives them flashbacks of horror and situations they wouldn't wish on their worst enemy.

I'm SO SICK AND TIRED of Katrina coming out of the mouth of everyone that says New Orleans. Dammit, it was a year ago! We know what happened, and we are trying to build ourselves back up from it. Back up off us and let us breathe. I'm SICK of the LOCAL news (yea, New Orleans news) harping on the crime and the former residents who can't get back in because of lack of housing. Let's get off the depressing shit and show something UPLIFTING!! We've got ENOUGH to depress us. Let's do like John Legend and "Let's Get Lifted Again"!! Who the fuck wants to buy some book that shows a bunch of flooded houses or watch a documentary about who failed to act and who's to blame?

Now, through all this, I DO share a sentiment with my fellow evacuees: I would like to know who was responsible. However, I don't like the media cramming their take on everything down my throat. I refuse to celebrate or commemorate today in any way. Today should just be Tuesday, August 29th. For crying out loud, today is someone's BIRTHDAY!!! Who wants their special day to be synonymous with the greatest natural disaster in our nation's history? I know I just rambled, but it infuriates me sometimes.


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