Friday, January 26, 2007

Running Away

How long can fear be an excuse? When do you stop allowing the fear to take you over and just go for what you feel (and often times KNOW) what is right? The fear I speak of is when you feel somebody, yet when you are in a seemingly close circumstance, your fear forces you to pull back, without any provocation. Nobody did you anything, given you any reason to distrust, NOTHING. Things just feel "too right", so it must be wrong. What kind of sense does that make?! Maybe it's me, but it would seem that if things are not right, maybe it should be discussed BEFORE you get into the compromising situation, That, OR just go with it. Everything that feels and looks good is NOT a trap! There comes a time when you STOP BREWING AND START DOING! You like 'em? GIT 'ER DONE!! Speak and act on it. Show the person, or else, they may never know, and you may never get your chance to be with them. Don't let the fear overrule you, or else fear will overrule you through all things! Life will always produce things that are new and potentially scary to us, but we gotta be able to confront it or become bound by it. Let's cut the shit and break the chains! NO FEAR!!


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