Monday, May 21, 2007

Make It Rain

Okay, so I'm at Kenny's Saturday night (I stayed there all night!), and something happened that just blew my mind.

I'm in the DJ booth, coolin' and kickin' it. We're playing the booty-bouncing bounce music that New Orleans is known for playing and enjoying, so it's business as usual. I notice that there is a group of young ladies that are dancing rather relaxed to the music (and happen to be right next to the DJ booth), so I begin to make my way over there as DJ Hexx takes back over the music control. I'm checking out the dancers and reading the crowd when I notice that these provocative Category 5's are drawing their OWN crowd. I notice that these guys are coming on to these women in a VERY invasive and sexual manner (putting hands in places they shouldn't be), so I keep myself distanced.

We get to a song called "Hands on the Ground", and this one guy walks up to one of the main performers. He has a stack of ones in his hand, so I'm thinking this will be interesting. I stand there and watch this guy throw up one after one after one in the air, causing a phenomenon known as "making it rain", in which high rollers throw paper currency in the air to cause the money to "rain" on strippers.

I watch this money fall, and expecting a mad scramble to happen for the "rain drops", I keep my position. After about 25 ones, the baller takes his swagger away from the scene. My eyes hit the ground at all the money lying there. I look at the woman, who is STILL very much dancing at this point. She isn't doing anything about the money (a couple of which fell on her back and stayed there) and neither are her friends. My eyes hit the ground again. Thinking it's just a matter of time before she stops dancing to pick up the money, I again do nothing, but my eyes never leave the ground.

Then, after about 15 secs. of nobody going for it, I say screw it and slide myself down the wall next to her and begin to scoop up the money. After I begin to grab, some of the young lady's friends notice the money and grab the money for her. After all was said and done, I copped 9 ones.

I know it's not a big deal, but hell, gas is 3 dollars a gallon. I need assistance. That guy's lavish antics paid for my gas trip to and from Kenny's. Gentleman, I salute you.


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